Last week I started something that had been on my mind for months. A dog that is tied up all day (a sad, but encouragingly dying tradition where I live) I gained permission to walk each day by the owner. Incredibly, given his circumstances, he’s an exceptionally loving dog and although he’s too energetic for my dog, Trudy happily walks behind and lets him out his energy in the front of the pack to his heart’s content.
I don’t tell you this for praise, but to let you know what a win|win it has been for everyone. The dog, of course, has been mind-blown by all the sights, sounds and smells only feet from where he has been living, but my elderly neighbour, too, is exceptionally grateful and so (at 8 in the morning!) tries to drag me in for a thank-you beer!
Most of all, though, it’s the feeling I get knowing I have overcome an incomplete that I’d been ignoring for so long and so although I enjoy the value it gives that precious animal and everyone around him, it also warms the start of my day.
I’m sure you all do good deeds all day long, but maybe there’s something that might be on your mind: a smile to a stranger or colleague you may not get on with, helping someone with their bags, tapping on someone’s door you may think are lonely. As well as being a wonderfully loving gesture, I guarantee it’ll put a spring in your step and mean the world to another, even if you don’t get to feel it at that instant.
Why not give it a go and see how energised you feel. For me, I’m just going to enjoy that little fella’s company each morning and try not to start my day on a thank-you beer anytime soon!