November 2017

I was so very flattered when the lovely Cornwall Today agreed to publish a condensed version of my monthly newsletters from January 2018 in their magazine. It can get quite lonely in cyberspace, so it is really quite touching when my musings are appreciated in this way… and even more so when a reader tells me one has touched them ‘just at the right moment’.

A timely sentence or word can often reach us just at the moment we need it most and they can have a transformative influence on our lives. Quite often I find myself feeding off those delightful, ‘coincidental’ morsels when they drop into my life, as well.

Many of us have busy lives and we rarely get a chance to stop and take stock – I’m worse than most on at doing this. However, only recently, just as I was feeling really quite despondent with life, an ex girlfriend shared some simple words that held just such resonance. So much so, they made me stop in my tracks.

I had been so busy with my life, I hadn’t realised how ‘out-of-sync’ with myself I had become. Her calm and compassionate thoughts made me stop and reassess what I was doing at that moment and it felt like the last piece of the jigsaw dropping into place.

Those words can come from anywhere and everywhere: a word we overhear on another table, a paragraph we read in a book at a vulnerable moment… our inspiration is everywhere and in abundance: we only need to be aware to find it. In the past, I’ve even ‘pushed the Gods’ by opening a book at a certain page and read the sentence there to think about.

I believe there’s truth in the adage: when the student’s ready, the master will appear. If you’re like me and might need some pepping up (and you don’t have a learned ex girlfriend handy) why not try one of the above examples. Stay open, listen hard. I’m sure you’ll know when you hear it…

…or to use the X-Files tagline: The truth is out there!

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