I was thinking about why some gain success in their field where others haven’t. Sure, a lot of it is down to nature, but I can’t help feel nurture has more to play in many areas.
I’ve known many talented musicians that never ‘made it’ and many less talented ones that did. So, what sets one apart from the other? For me a lot of it is down to perseverance.
I talk about this a lot in my marketing book for artists, The Artist’s Handbook. When promoting oneself on social media it’s all about turning up. Many will do it sometimes. Some will do it a lot, but only the dedicated will do it consistently… always.
Successful athletes, business people, musicians and even artists who totally absorb themselves in their chosen fields truly prosper. Yes, some are born, but without perseverance, I believe talent alone won’t bring that sweet smell of success.
Perseverance and success are the coupling of some talent and a lot of sweat. Those people who turn up and apply the 100% they have, 100% of the time, are the ones who achieve real success.
Marathon runners call it ‘hitting the wall’. They get to a point of no return. At that moment, they’ll tell you; either disregard what your body is telling you and forge on, or fail.
There are no guarantees of ‘winning’ even if you do break through that wall, but you are guaranteed personal success. Achievement for me is brought out by ignoring our ‘just give up’ voices and still giving 100%. To them, the spoils are abundant, whatever their chosen fields.
It’s the reason why you often hear people say ‘some people are good at everything’. Yes, some are, but many who seem to be, are simply those who give 100% to everything they do. It’s their modus operandi and it envelopes every choice in their lives. Or as author Christine Mason Miller, wrote: “At any given moment, you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end.”